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Your Guide to Personal Money Management is HERE!

Transform Your Relationship with Money: Unlock True Abundance and Freedom

Money itself isn’t the end goal—it’s your relationship with money that truly matters. This relationship is a reflection of your self-worth and self-belief, shaping your capacity to receive, enjoy, and manage abundance. It impacts every financial decision you make, influencing whether you achieve lasting stability and freedom or find yourself stuck in repetitive patterns.

To truly transform your financial life, you need more than just strategies; you need a holistic approach. That’s where Magnetic Money® comes in. Unlike any other money program, Magnetic Money® offers a comprehensive pathway to:

  • Cultivate a Wealth Mindset
  • Reprogram Old Money Stories & Beliefs
  • Make Your Money Work for You
  • Align with Abundance and Become Naturally Magnetic

So with this in mind I became a Certified Magnetic Money Coach in 2023.

The resources that are available in Magnetic Money are life changing. You can undertake the courses on a self-learning journey, Magnetic Money programme or if need be, work with me one-on -one if you require that extra bit of help along the way.

Are you ready to transform your relationship with money and embrace a future of abundance? Join us and make lasting change with Magnetic Money®!

Join Karen Conlon as she reveals why mastering money management is the key to unlocking financial freedom, and how her passion for empowering others led her to become a Certified Magnetic Money Coach

Ready to get started? Let us guide you below!

Unlock Financial Freedom: Join Our FREE Workshop to Transform Your Banking Chaos into Clarity!

Signs you need to join this FREE Sort Your Banking Workshop:

You’re frequently shuffling money between accounts.

You have to check your bank balance before making everyday purchases, not due to lack of funds, but because funds seem misaligned or unavailable when needed.

Benefits of taking this workshop:

Learn to organize and streamline your banking to make managing money easier.

Discover a 3-step process to improve your financial organization and prevent issues like constantly juggling expenses.

Gain access to a money formula that helps keep your finances on track and reduces feelings of guilt or worry about spending.

Workshop details:

Attendees will receive a workbook and lifetime access to the replay.


Did we mention its free?

Unlock Your Unlimited Earning Potential: Complete Our Money Habit Archetype Quiz!

As a business owner, your potential for earning is limitless. But if you’re stuck in the same old money patterns, more income won’t solve the problem. Here’s why:

We All Have Deep-Rooted Money Stories 

Our beliefs about money, abundance, and success often stem from subconscious stories that shape how we handle finances. These stories act like an invisible autopilot, keeping us on the same track, whether we’re striving for safety or struggling to manage spending.

Discover Your Money Habit Archetype

  • Accumulator Archetypes: You’re always seeking safety, but it feels like there’s never enough.
  • Spender Archetypes: You find yourself making progress only to fall back, spending money as quickly as it comes in.

Why Take This Quiz?

By uncovering your Money Habit Archetype, you’ll:

  1. Identify the Old Stories: Recognize the hidden patterns that are holding you back.
  2. Expand Your Capacity: Learn how to shift these patterns and open up to more abundance.
  3. Transform Your Financial Future: Break free from repeating cycles and make the most of your earning potential.

Ready to Shift Your Financial Patterns?

Take the quiz now to uncover your Money Habit Archetype and start on the path to transforming your financial life!

Unlock Your Million Dollar Mindset: Break Free from the Hustle and Build Lasting Success

It’s often said that earning your first $100k is tougher than making your first million—and for good reason! The strategies that get you to six figures are not the ones that will take you beyond. And let’s be honest… you wouldn’t want them to be, right?

Reaching that initial six-figure mark usually involves a lot of hustle and sacrifice—late nights, time away from family, and constantly saying no to things you love. But here’s the exciting news: you don’t have to keep grinding like this!

To consistently bring in six figures or more, you need to learn how to break free from the endless hustle. That’s where the Million Dollar Mindset comes in.

In Miriam Castilla’s powerful Million Dollar Mindset webinar, you’ll discover the essential mindset shifts to create sustainable, lasting business growth—without burning out. Say yes to more freedom, more choices, and the life you want to live!

And the best part? It’s completely FREE! Don’t miss this incredible opportunity

Get access to the book plus a FREE checklist and calculators here

Ready to set up your entire system?

Why do people love the Magnetic Money® Course? Simple—because it works! 

Here’s the truth: financial abundance isn’t just about money; it’s about you—your self-worth, self-belief, and confidence in your ability to attract the income you deserve. 

Magnetic Money® helps you gain peace of mind, knowing your finances are organized and your goals are within reach. 

This course will transform the way you think, feel, and handle money. 

With a proven system, dedicated Accountability Coaches, weekly group coaching calls, and personalized 1:1 sessions, you’ll feel empowered and supported every step of the way. Make the decision to join, and we’ve got your back!

Book a call with Karen Conlon today to get access to 1:1 coaching support

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