"If you want to go from passive to massive income, read this book. Working with the SumTotal team you will be able to enjoy the benefits of your hard work right now (drive a new car, enjoy regular holidays, eat out, drink that nice bottle of wine, etc) while AT THE SAME TIME putting some of your money away into good investments to provide for your future." — Harvee Pene
More and more people are recognising wealth as a fairly accurate scoreboard at a particular time, during the game of life we all play. But does it tell us if we are likely to win or lose? There’s more to wealth than meets the bank balance.
Create Wealth picks apart the notion of moving from the haves to the have-nots in terms not wholly defined by the zeroes in your bank account. In an eye-opening guide that is both business and personal, everything from net wealth to your “why”, the reason behind and for the hard graft, planning and investment is laid bare.
A thought-provoking instructional, Create Wealth helps sort through:
Millions of people have amassed millions of dollars in riches throughout our history but far fewer ever felt wealthy and remained so throughout their lives in business.
In that regard, we regard Create Wealth as a straightforward blueprint for building the life you wanted, that will last a lifetime.
As members of Life Changing Accountants, we’ve made a public commitment to be driven by one thing:
An impact on the businesses and lives of our clients, and together with them an impact in our communities and our world.
Our commitment, not surprisingly, is a total commitment to stand by the results that we create for our clients where –
SO THAT we can proactively help our small business clients reach ‘THE R.E.S.U.L.T.S. BHAG aka Big Hairy Audacious Goal’ –
"I proudly belong to Life Changing Accountants, a group of 101 like-minded Accounting Firms who have each contributed to these books.
We chose collaboration over competition SO THAT we can each make more of an impact in our clients lives.
This is why you'll see a number of books with this same title, written in collaboration with my colleagues of the same heart. 101 Life Changing Strategies by 101 Life Changing Accountants.
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