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"If you want to go from passive to massive income, read this book. Working with the SumTotal team you will be able to enjoy the benefits of your hard work right now (drive a new car, enjoy regular holidays, eat out, drink that nice bottle of wine, etc) while AT THE SAME TIME putting some of your money away into good investments to provide for your future." — Harvee Pene

More and more people are recognising wealth as a fairly accurate scoreboard at a particular time, during the game of life we all play. But does it tell us if we are likely to win or lose? There’s more to wealth than meets the bank balance.

Create Wealth picks apart the notion of moving from the haves to the have-nots in terms not wholly defined by the zeroes in your bank account. In an eye-opening guide that is both business and personal, everything from net wealth to your “why”, the reason behind and for the hard graft, planning and investment is laid bare.

A thought-provoking instructional, Create Wealth helps sort through:

  • Big questions like how much is enough?
  • The must-haves when it comes to preserving lifestyle
  • Exactly how to get ready and stay ready to take advantage of opportunities

Millions of people have amassed millions of dollars in riches throughout our history but far fewer ever felt wealthy and remained so throughout their lives in business.

In that regard, we regard Create Wealth as a straightforward blueprint for building the life you wanted, that will last a lifetime.

We regard this book as a straightforward blueprint for building the life you wanted, and that your family deserves, that will last a lifetime.

You don’t have to be a sports nut to know that there have been many, many athletes who made eye-watering amounts of money during their playing careers and yet found themselves in deep financial troubles just a few years later.

The same is true of actors of screen and television as well as business people whose own monetary and lifestyle star shone brightly while they were working and then found themselves having to toil to make a living less than 10 years later.

Don’t worry, this is not a “whatever happened to (insert your favourite star of yesteryear)” book – there are plenty of those around.

Far from it.

This is more like a reminder that asks, “whatever happened to your dream: is it still attainable and if you’re living it, how long will it last?”

To my way of thinking there is an ocean of difference between “being rich” or “having riches” and being “wealthy”.

Creating Wealth is essentially about one thing and one thing only – YOU, your family, your wealth and the legacy you leave.

Yes, millions of people have amassed millions of dollars in riches throughout our history but far fewer ever felt wealthy and remained so throughout their lives in business.


W is for Why

Understanding your why is woven into the fabric of achieving happiness. Being good at something, possibly even enjoying it and the rewards it brings may not be enough for you over the longer haul. By nature, we humans are curious and not knowing the reason for the things is the thing that seems to bother/frighten/aggravate us most in life. Knowing your “why” means there’s one less thing to worry and wonder about.


E is for Emergencies

If an unforeseen circumstance eventuates, you might find that your earning capacity has diminished. That being the case, how long can you last before your lifestyle and obligations are negatively impacted? Months? Weeks?... Days? Emergency reserves are a critical component of wealth, the feelings of wellbeing that go hand in hand with it and freedom from stress.


A is for Assets

Let's talk about investing. Investing in Cash. Investing in Shares, Property, Crypto etc and (re)Investing in Your Business. And most importantly ... Investing in Yourself.


L is for Leverage

The famous Greek mathematician and philosopher Archimedes once said, about his discovery of a fundamental principle, “Give me a lever long enough, and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the earth.” And in this chapter we are going to prove him right – because this is where we explore the glorious and often misunderstood concept of leverage.


T is for Taxation

When you put in the work to pull all those wealth creation levers, work some debt reduction magic, refine and streamline your budget, accumulate and expand your assets, and get your net worth on the up and up, it would be a shame to take one step forward and two steps back thanks to tax.


H is for Habits

In the grand tapestry of financial well-being, it's often the minute, day-to-day decisions that weave the most profound impacts. For business owners, financial mastery isn't just about grand gestures or monumental decisions. It's in the habits—those little, consistent actions that, over time, shape the trajectory of your business's financial health.

Hi! I'm Karen Conlon

As members of Life Changing Accountants, we’ve made a public commitment to be driven by one thing:


An impact on the businesses and lives of our clients, and together with them an impact in our communities and our world. 

Our commitment, not surprisingly, is a total commitment to stand by the results that we create for our clients where –

  • R is for … Greater Revenues 
  • E is for … Improved Equity 
  • S is for … Surplus Profits
  • U is for … Supporting the UN Global Goals 
  • L is for … Reduced Liabilities
  • T is for … Proactive Tax Savings 
  • S is for … Scaling Cashflow

SO THAT we can proactively help our small business clients reach ‘THE R.E.S.U.L.T.S. BHAG aka Big Hairy Audacious Goal’ – 

  • Doing 4 Days a Week
  • Working 40 Weeks a Year
  • Pulling 400K Profit p.a.
  • Building 4M in Wealth
  • Lasting 4 Generations
alt="Portrait of Karen Conlon, smiling against a exposed brick background"

That is why I am happy to present to you the '101 Strategies for Business Owners' R.E.S.U.L.T.S. books

"I proudly belong to Life Changing Accountants, a group of 101 like-minded Accounting Firms who have each contributed to these books.

We chose collaboration over competition SO THAT we can each make more of an impact in our clients lives.

This is why you'll see a number of books with this same title, written in collaboration with my colleagues of the same heart. 101 Life Changing Strategies by 101 Life Changing Accountants.
